Screen Printing Artwork Charges
If you can supply screen ready art work,
there is no charge.
If your layout will consist of simple lettering
that you are supplying to us from a sketch,
you will be charged $35.00 Art Prep Fee.
If your layout will consist of simple lettering
and you want us to include a piece of supplied
or stock clip art to illustrate your design,
you will be charged $35.00 Art Prep Fee.
If none of these options are possible,
artwork design is priced by quotation and
subject to the review to the proposed layout.
Our hourly labor rate for artwork design
is $50.00 per hour.
Please allow
an additional 3-5 working days for the creation
of custom art work.
A description of print
colors, print size, and print location
(s) of the design, rough drafts, sketch's,
business cards, and letterheads are very
important in helping us create your artwork
when we are requested to do so.
If you are providing artwork for screen
printing, please be aware that we need positive
reading artwork and the artwork should be
output or saved in color, black on a white
background for line art or half tones for
each color that will be printed. E-mail
us. if you have any questions or need more
information, we'll be happy to answer your